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BY Minne Marlo
To be the first to read my newest blog posts follow my facebook page: Compass to Connection.

A return to love
"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small...

Did someone ever told you: ‘Just follow the rules.’ or ‘Trust me, and do exactly what I say.’. How do you feel when people tell you this?...

My learnings of not drinking alcohol during the year 2017. First of all: I would recommend it to everyone to stop drinking for a...

Fall in love with the darkness. With the piss and the shit of life. The shadows, the hidden parts. The bits we hide out of shame. Fall in...

Process update
The last 3 days was all about shining light on hidden desires, meeting myself and healing through (tantric) touch and theatre. All the...

Process update
Travelling full-time, might be one of the best decisions I have ever made. But sometimes I just need to allow myself to 'cocoon' and find...

Full of fire
And one day she discovered that she was fierce and strong and full of fire and that not even she could hold herself back because her...

Fear is optional
Many people tell me I'm so courageous for travelling the world by myself. But I can't tell them enough, how much I'm dealing with fears...

My way in Spain
Right now I'm spending my last days in Spain after an amazing 2 month adventure! I biked through Barcelona, volunteered 2 weeks with a...

The pilgrimage
"When you travel, you experience, in a very practical way, the act of rebirth. You confront completely new situations, the day passes...

Camino teachings
1 week passed already and about 130 km is done! Still 370 to go... The first 3 days where very hard. Later it went much better, I didn't...

Pelgrim is-shoes
Update on my camino-walk! Today I had some company for the first 13km. No, it's not the guys in the picture! 😁 It was a lovely young...

By foot of course
After being a tourist, going to spanish school and volunteer for more then a month, I feel ready for the last part of this Spanish...

Love, soon
I want to share an intimite story with you about my first experience with LOVE during my journey in Spain! On friday I went to the San...

The mystery in connection
"A woman who walks in her purpose doesn't have to chase people or opportunities. Her light causes people and opportunities to pursue...

Goodbye Belgium
It has been 1 week since I left Belgium for my big journey. Time for an update on where I am! Right now I'm in Rimor, a tiny and old...

Video update on C2C
I will explain you in this video why I didn't update this page so often the last weeks. I made this video in one shot, showing myself how...

This week I lost 15 of my newly made interviews... They would have been so awesome to share because of the diversity in nationalities,...

The night that changed my life
It was the middle of the week, when someone brought us in silence and only with 3 flares deep inside the Bulgarian forest. Every few...

My younger sister is on an airplane right now. Al by herself. Destination is South-Africa, 13.456 km from where I am. She will be there...
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